RoTunneling VPN
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Vom fi prezenti la DefCamp 2012

Anul acesta vom fi prezenti la DefCamp, printr-un parteneriat strategic unde vom arata pericolele la care se expun cei ce se conecteaza la retele publice din hoteluri, baruri, camine, etc... si vom prezenta solutii eficiente pentru protejarea datelor.

RoTunneling VPN datorita tehnologiei de criptare a traficului, ce foloseste algoritmul AES 256, va asigura cea mai sigura solutie impotriva interceptarii traficului, si implicit a numelui de utiliator, parolelor, documentelor, conversatiilor VOIP sau a mesageriei instant.

Este cel mai important eveniment de securitate informatica din Romania de pana acum, se va desfasura pe o perioada de trezi zile, 30 noiembrie, 1-2 decembrie in Bucuresti, la Hotel Yesterday.

Cu o agenda bogata, vor sustine prezentari speakeri de renume, experti in securitatea informatica atat din Romania, cat si din afara.

Ne gasiti pe intreaga perioada a conferintei la standul Wall of Sheep, unde va putem arata live cum serviciile RoTunneling VPN fac diferenta, facand un pas important intr-un internet mai sigur pentru toti.

Tags: rotunneling, defcamp, securitate

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  • Changelog client applications RoTunneling VPN 5.0.7 Note: If you have a very restricted connection, try several connection methods from the list until you find the one that works for your connection, eg: Romania-1, Romania-1-backup-1, Romania-1-backup-2, these represent different methods/strategies for connecting to the same VPN node. For regular connections, you can use any connection method from the list.
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  • Why is VPN WOW? VPN protects the data you transmit online and helps you navigate any site, easily, anywhere and anytime safely. For example: online payments are secure, accessing sites of interest, connecting to a public Wifi network, in a cafe.
  • New features on RoTunneling VPN website We've improved the RoTunneling VPN website and launched new features that you've probably been waiting for some time.
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